LGNDX/TITANX Liquidity Pairing
The primary liquidity pool of $LGNDX is strategically paired with $TITANX on Uniswap v3, allowing $LGNDX to leverage the price dynamics of the $TITANX token.
By being paired with $TITANX, $LGNDX gains access to increased opportunities for price performance. For example, if $TITANX experiences price appreciation or heightened trading activity due to its pairing with $LGNDX, the liquidity pool's performance could positively impact $LGNDX's value as well. This is because $LGNDX holders indirectly benefit from the increased demand and trading volume generated by $TITANX traders within the shared liquidity pool.
The $LGNDX/$TITANX liquidity pool will be locked forever upon deployment and proof of the LP lock will be publicly viewable as soon as it is created. Click here to learn more about UNCX LP lockers.
Last updated